Monday, May 24, 2010


It feels like summer outside and I am loving it!!! 92 is the high today. My plants are all doing great, the strawberries could use some weeding. I have a new clothesline and am having fun with that. Our dryer went kaput...that is okay in the summer, but will have to get a dryer eventually. My neighbor (an elderly lady) told me that she didn't have a dryer until recently. Always hung her clothes out, even in the winter!!! Seems like things go *kaput* in groups. Colton's car needs worked on again. If the fix is too expensive, we will park the Colt and get the Olds out. The Olds isn't pretty, but it is driveable.

Only 4 more days of school work! That is exciting. I placed my order for materials through the school and will see what I receive. I can't order anything from a Christian publisher, so that is limiting. I do get Easy Grammar, Wordly Wise, Teaching Textbooks, Handwriting without Tears. Otherwise I want to make sure our history, science, literature, etc is from a Biblical perspective.

My SIL suffers from MCS and has had a rough time. She was exposed to some pesticides lately and it really set her back. We are all praying for her. She can't go inside most buildings and has to be so careful what she is around. It is hard to understand why we go through trials, setbacks at times. God is always faithful to us. We can't see what is around the bend, but He works things out constantly for our good. I feel that living with depression has helped mold me and continues to and I pray that she can look at this trial and see the good out of it.

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