Sunday, May 2, 2010

For Good!!

I've been meditating on this verse lately:
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Isn't that a reassuring verse? For the good! We know that bad things will happen to us in life...there will be floods, tornadoes, misunderstandings, injuries, death...but God takes all those bad things brought about by sin and works them out for our good.

DH and I have had lots of bad things happen to us in the past 5 years.. terrible (extended) family troubles, miscarriage, failing business, bankruptcy, losing most of our physical possessions. But those things God has continually been working out for our good. He has given us peace through extremely troubling situations and held us tightly as we walked some dark roads. I've learned that things in this, possessions, a nice house..don't amount to happiness. All these things will one day disappear. We will lose our health, family members and one day we will die. But God turns all these things...including and especially death...for the good! Because of what His Son has done for us we will live again. There will be no more evil, pain, will all be GOOD!