Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Homeschool 2012

Another year of school has begun......Here is our class of 2012-2013
 David-the Baby Meister
 Anna-the Preschooler
 Thomas-1st grader
 Garrett-3rd Grader
 Katie-6th Grader
 Alicia-9th Grader
 Julia-11th Grader
Carlina-graduate/homeschool helper and taking college classes online
Colton-sophomore at a Bible College


  1. awww, they all look fabulous! I never get all the kids looking great all in the same day, lol. Hope ya'll have a fabulous year!

  2. Thank you, Sheri!! As you can see my oldest will not pose for a picture! The photographer (his Aunt) had to be creative! Hope you guys have a great year, too!!

  3. I'm creating a blogroll of blogs that blog (at least occasionally) about homeschooling high school. ( I came across yours today and would LOVE to add it. If you would consider this, could you email me? (Oh, and could you let me know if you have a blog button, too?) Thanks in advance! Blessings...

  4. Praying for smooth schooling days!! We are about a month into ours and still trying to find the right groove so we are not doing school until 5 pm!! I have late sleepers!!

  5. What a handsome (pretty) bunch! I like seeing photos of my cousins.
