has been an active day. It is quiet now...well it was..now Thomas is downstairs. He keeps me on my toes **understatement**. Anna is walking so good now, she was 18 months on the 13th and still such a tiny little thing--16.5 lbs! All is good with her. She loves to go to the park and swing and go down the slides. Katie took her down the big twisty slide. (I love the above photo of Anna having fun with Julia..wheee!) It is still strange to have Jesse working nights. He will have been at his job 2 years in August and we have all grown accustomed to his schedule for the most part. I like that he has an 8 day block off each month.
Julia did her Missionary report on a man called Jonathan Goforth. He endured so many things to evangelize to the people of China. The family lost all of their possessions at least 3 times, lost 6 out of 11 children to various illnesses, were beaten by angry mobs, lived in rented huts with lice, vermin and pigs, he lost his sight, his teeth...all to bring the people of China to the Lord and he saw remarkable results. Thousands of Chinese became followers of Christ at the time of his ministry. It is an amazing life story...
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