Monday, January 3, 2011

Have you noticed my ticker?

Jesse and I are so thrilled about this new life that the Lord has created. I never would have imagined, years ago, that at the age of 41 I would be newly pregnant. I am overflowing with thankfulness and praise. We saw the little bean via ultrasound at 11.5 weeks and he/she is very wiggly and active. I have had minimal morning sickness, which is a tremendous blessing.

Last July, when I was in a hospital bed, recovering from an infection after losing a baby, I strongly felt a message from God that I would be rejoicing at the same time the next year. ... and yes...we are due in July!!!

ps. Thomas has dubbed the baby "Chico", so that is what we are calling him/her right now, lol.


  1. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you!

  2. Thanks, Melissa! Am anxious to hear how Ashley is doing. Write me sometime!
