Friday, December 28, 2012

David's expression..

David has mastered the art of making the cutest faces...this is one of my favorite from Christmas Day...

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Progressive Dinner

The Youth in our church enjoyed dressing up for their annual Progressive Dinner on Sunday night. We hosted dessert and the gag gift exchange at our house and yes, it is all girls except for one boy (the little one down in the corner is David trying to blend in!).


Our first snow storm!!!  We were hit with about 8 inches of snow last night into the morning much to the children's delight!!  They have been in and out all day, sledding, shoveling and making snow balls.  It is very windy and cold, so the outings have been limited.  Hopefully it will stick around until Christmas.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Merry Christmas from us to you!!!!

It is 12/12/12 and I sit down to write a Christmas Greeting to all my readers (okay, my 1 reader..Hi, Mom!).  2012 has come and go and we have seen many challenges and blessings along the way.  In November, we hit the 1 year mark of living in our new (to us) country home.  We have enjoyed having llamas and chickens and hope to add some ducks and maybe a goat next year.  We had fun family trips to Indiana and The Black Hills and enjoyed a graduation trip to Orlando with Carlina. Here is a little synopsis of our life in 2012:

Jesse-continued working at the Bean Plant.  He has been there 4 years now.  He still hopes to work his way back into farming (part-time) and we are looking at that goal in the future.

Robin-homeschooler and house keeper extraordinaire.  I continue to try to contain the wonderful chaos on a daily basis.

Colton (20)-finished his first year at CBC and continued on to his second.  Is still working on an Advanced Biblical Studies degree and doing well.  He worked at the local discount store all summer.

Carlina (19)-graduated from High School in May.  She continues to wash dishes at a local eaterie 4 nights a week and just finished her first college class online.  Writing is her passion and she is really good at it.

Julia (17)-went from Sophomore to Junior and is working hard at the discount store.  She loves driving her little PT around and spending time with her friends.

Alicia (15)-Entered High School this Fall.  She loves to write, draw, dance and sing.

Kati (11)-my chicken keeper and nature girl.  Is really working on her drawing and especially loves to draw foxes.  She entered the 6th grade in the Fall.

Garrett (9)-Can't believe he turns 9 in December.  He lives for when he can go to Aunt Debi's and play Mario on her WII.  Also a budding artist who loves to draw scenes from the Mario game.

Thomas (6)-keeper of all the costumes and wearer of them, too.  He is a creative costume designer as well, using only paper and glue.  He is working hard on his reading.

Anna (4)-My spitfire girly-girl.  Never without her purse, makeup and phone (pretend)).  She is still keeping Momma and Daddy on our toes every single day.

David (17 mo)-My lovey-dovey cuddly boy who is a joy to all of us.  He is a smart little dude who is trying his best to keep up with all of his big siblings.

May Jesus get all the glory for the wonderful blessings of our life.  He is the reason for everything we do and our sustainer who provides every breath.  We are so thankful that He came to earth and provided a way for us to live with Him forever by dying on the cross for our sins.  We are so very grateful for all He does for us each and every day.

Merry Christmas to all our family and friends.  May 2013 be a blessed year.