Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What is going on..

in my household?
Today the house looks like a hurricane hit...but then again, when doesn't it? Colton, Carlina and Julia have gone off to Greek class. Jesse is making pancakes. Garrett is handing Alicia a blanket. She is on the couch with a bad cold. Anna is looking at books....she loves books! Thomas is eating bacon. Yesterday we asked Thomas about a little boy in the neighborhood that gave him a toy...we said "What does he look like?"...he answered "He looks like a human." We are trying to get ready for our Homeschool Presentation Fair on Friday. Reports on missionaries. Julia got a job at the local icecream drive-in. It is only a short walk from our home. She is so excited and already has the money spent on clothes, lol. It is an overcast day which promises rain...that is okay. Yesterday we had a beautiful sunny day in the 80's. God is good.


  1. Congratulations to Julia! Walking distance too, that is so nice! And Thomas wins the prize...."He looks like a human"...that will keep me laughing all day.

    Also, sorry about your recent loss...

    And...I am glad your house looks like a hurricane hit...ha, not glad really, but glad I am not the only one....

  2. Thanks for your comment, Della. LOL about the are definitely not the only one:)
